If someone could tell me where the time went could they please tell me? Spring cleaning used some of it - four days in fact...I had to get out this afternoon; it wasn't a particularly bright day, but my legs took control and marched me off to the fields. The hedgerows are just beginning to foam with blossom - mainly Hawthorn and Blackthorn. It is quite easy to tell the difference between the two, which usually grow side by side along the country roads. The Hawthorn has larger leaves, and the green mingles prettily in the whiteness of the flowers...

Whereas the Blackthorn is a creamy spattering on a dark chocolate backdrop...the Milky Way of the roadside.

Furthur along, Granny Crab Apple is showing her Spring petticoats. When these furbiloes are gone, she will disappear into the woods again, until Autumn, when we will know her whereabouts by the pretty golden apples she drops - sour little balls which make the sweetest jelly.

Heading back to the village...and spotting a sketch opportunity...

The frame of the Hawthorn to the right gave me an idea for another lino-cut....

Isolating the tree and using the curve of the lane to mould the bottom. I added the horizon line, but it felt overcrowded - I preferred the original with its spaciousness of a mysterious 'beyond - the beckoning of a pathway...

...which, thanks to the magic of Photoshop, I can show here. I will eventually have to invest in some lino, as I am building up quite a backlog of primary drawings.

Returning to my studio...I have just finished a whole chapter of 'woodland creatures' - where it has been Autumn. Which feels a bit unsettling. However I'm about to move onto a 'Springier' set of pictures.

I have been offered another quick job, which has to be finished by roughs stage May 2/3. I've been a bit leisurely with my work rate recently, so it will do me good to have to think quickly and put my nose to the grindstone. The next job is always forefront of my mind, and I've had no replies yet about my two book submissions.
I hope they can breathe at the bottom of the slush pile...

Whereas the Blackthorn is a creamy spattering on a dark chocolate backdrop...the Milky Way of the roadside.

Furthur along, Granny Crab Apple is showing her Spring petticoats. When these furbiloes are gone, she will disappear into the woods again, until Autumn, when we will know her whereabouts by the pretty golden apples she drops - sour little balls which make the sweetest jelly.

Heading back to the village...and spotting a sketch opportunity...

The frame of the Hawthorn to the right gave me an idea for another lino-cut....

Isolating the tree and using the curve of the lane to mould the bottom. I added the horizon line, but it felt overcrowded - I preferred the original with its spaciousness of a mysterious 'beyond - the beckoning of a pathway...

...which, thanks to the magic of Photoshop, I can show here. I will eventually have to invest in some lino, as I am building up quite a backlog of primary drawings.

Returning to my studio...I have just finished a whole chapter of 'woodland creatures' - where it has been Autumn. Which feels a bit unsettling. However I'm about to move onto a 'Springier' set of pictures.

I have been offered another quick job, which has to be finished by roughs stage May 2/3. I've been a bit leisurely with my work rate recently, so it will do me good to have to think quickly and put my nose to the grindstone. The next job is always forefront of my mind, and I've had no replies yet about my two book submissions.
I hope they can breathe at the bottom of the slush pile...